Create/Edit User

This screen allow you to set each User's privileges as well as reset and e-mail a new password to them:

User Account ID & Login Name

Username: Enter the name that this User will use to login to the website.  This is also their User Account ID so it must be a unique value among all other User accounts.

Send User to a Specific Page on Login

User Start Page: When this User logs in, if they are not attempting to access a Page or File, they will be taken to this Page.

TIP: This feature is useful, for example,  if you what all of your staff to login through a Login Page and go directly to your staff portal home page.  You can also set this value whenever a Customer orders a particular Product.

None: If the Role is not "User", and they are not logging in to access any restricted Page or File, they will be directed to the "Welcome" page of the Control Panel upon log in.

User Information for Password Retrieval

User E-mail Address: Enter this User's e-mail address.  

NOTE: Each User must have an e-mail address and the e-mail address must be different from all other User's e-mail addresses. the system uses this e-mail address to send their temporary password, and also to associate the User with their (optional) Contact for pre-filling Custom Form Pages, My Account Pages, and Commerce Pages.

Notify of New Contacts from Widget

E-mail User whenever a contact is created using the contact widget: Check this box if you would like this User to be notified whenever a Contact is created from the Contact Form Widget.

NOTE: Contact Form Widgets are added to Designer Regions and Page Styles by Site Designers.

Set Default Privileges for User Account

User Role: The Role sets the level of privileges for this User.

NOTE: If you select "Administrator", "Designer", or "Manager", the remaining fields on this screen are hidden because these roles include all "User" privileges. The Site Settings and Site Log buttons will be visible on the Welcome Page.

For "Designers", the [DESIGN] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

Content Management & Forms Management Rights

Allow User to view and edit pages, files, and custom forms within selected folders: Select the website Folders that this User will have "edit" access to.  All Pages and Files placed in the selected Folders can be managed by the User. The [FOLDERS], [PAGES], and [FILES] tabs will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Also allow User to create/duplicate pages in selected folders: For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also create and duplicate Pages.

NOTE: If this is unchecked then the User will only be able to modify existing Pages that they have "edit" access to. They will be unable to create new Pages.
Also allow User to delete pages in selected folders: For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also delete Pages.

NOTE: If this is unchecked then the User will only be able to modify existing Pages that they have "edit" access to. They will be unable to delete Pages.
Also allow User to access submitted form data for selected folders: For the Folders selected (above), allow this User to also manage any Submitted Forms collected. The [FORMS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Allow User to set the following page types for pages: Select the Page Types that this User will be able to set for their Pages. This can be used to prevent a User from creating certain Page Types if they should not need too.

NOTE: All Users have access to the Standard Page Type if they have "edit" access to the Page's Folder.

Shared Content Management Rights

Allow User to edit the content within the selected Common Regions: Select the Common Regions that this User will have "edit" access to.

IMPORTANT: Since edit access to shared content is only allowed through editing a Page (if not a Manager Role), this feature requires that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that contains a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Common Region.
Allow User to edit Menu Items within the selected Menus: Select the Menus that this User will have "edit" access to.

NOTE: This feature gives the User access to edit the Menu Item's but not the Menu Properties.

IMPORTANT: Since edit access to shared content is only allowed through editing a Page (if not a Manager Role), this feature requires that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that contains a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Menu Region.

Calendar Management Rights

Allow User to add events to one or more calendars: Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage all Calendar Events for the Calendars you select.  The [CALENDARS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Also allow User to publish calendar events for selected calendars: For the Calendars selected (above), allow this User to also publish Calendar Events. In addition, if this field is checked, the User will be able to edit Calendar Events that have been published.

Visitor Report Management Rights

Allow User to manage all visitor reports: Check this box if you would like this User to have access to create and view all Visitor Reports. The [VISITOR] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

Contact Management & Campaign Management Rights

Allow User to view, edit, import, and export all contacts within any selected contact groups: Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage the Contacts in one or more Contact Groups that you select. The [CONTACTS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Allow User to send e-mail campaigns to any selected contact groups: Check this box if you would like this User to have access to create and send  e-mail campaigns to one or more Contact Groups that you select. The [CAMPAIGNS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

Commerce Management Rights

Allow User to manage all commerce (i.e. products, shipping, tax, and orders): Check this box if you would like this User to have access to manage all e-commerce features.  The [COMMERCE] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.
Allow User to set offline payment option for orders: Check this box if you would like this User to have access to enable and disable the "Allow Offline Payments" feature for specific orders.

NOTE: Users who have access to "Allow User to set offline payment option for orders" will be able to enable and disable this feature for orders as needed by selecting the "Allow offline payment option for this Cart" while on the Shopping Cart or Express Order Pages.

Ads Management Rights

Allow User to manage Ads within the selected Ad Regions: Select the Ad Regions that this User will have "edit" access to. The [ADS] tab will be visible to this User in the Control Panel.

NOTE: In order for the User to also edit the Ad Region Properties, be sure that the User has edit access to at least one Folder that has a Page that is associated with a Page Style that includes the Ad Region.

Private Content Access Rights

Allow User to view pages, files, and submit custom forms within selected private folders: Select the website Folders that this User will have "view" access to.  All Pages and Files placed in the selected Folders can be viewed (not edited) by the User.

TIP: Use this feature to allow access to select Users, for example, to allow only you employees to access a staff-only portal area of your website.  Simply create a Private Folder for each group, and assign access to certain Users.

TIP: These Folders can also be set when a Customer orders a Product that has it's "Grant Private Access to Customer" feature set.

WARNING: If you create a User with the same e-mail address as an existing Contact, no connection between the two will be made by the system. If you do this by mistake, you can delete the Contact and ask the User to register again, so that a new Contact can be created by the system and connected to the User. You can reference the "My Contacts by User" and "My Registered User" screens to display all connected Contacts and User accounts.